Our Team

Leopoldo is founding partner of the firm, has a Doctorate in Law with honors by the UNAM, a Master's Degree in Law and Specialty in Tax Law, Diploma in International Tax Law and with the law degrees and Certified Public Accountant. He has been a professor of graduate and undergraduate students in tax matters in various universities in the country, is a conference speaker and has written articles on fiscal issues. He was President of the Academy of Tax Law of the State of Mexico, A.C. and the Academy of Tax Law of the Bogados Colleges in the state of Mexico. He was an advisor in the field of taxation of the Presidency of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Was auditor in fiscal issues. With over 25 years of professional practice in consulting and defense attorney.

Founding partner of the firm and steward of the important decisions in addition to lead your team of professionals. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law with a specialty in Criminal Law, has a Master's degree in law and practice in the field of taxation.

Director of tax projects in the signature and steward of the important decisions. It is a duly licensed attorney at law with a specialty in criminal law and practice in the field of taxation.

Director of special projects in the signature and steward of the important decisions. It is a duly licensed attorney at law with a master in law and practice in the field of taxation.

Associated Firms
We have alliances with firms specialized in issues related to tax law, such as the Civil Law, Commercial Law, Notary Public, Corporate, Criminal Law, Intellectual Property Rights, etc., as well as with foreign firms specialized in fiscal issues, that support our signature when the issue arises with the purpose of giving the best results for our clients.